HR Art
| In collaboration with Your Voice, we have put together a series of workshops that provide an exciting learning environmnet. This dynamic fusion of HR practice and theatre technique has produce HR Art workshops and uses live theatre performance to enable delegates to learn and to act upon the theory. Philippa covers the HR and theory, best practice and procedural aspects followed by the delegates interacting with a live performance - scripted and directed by Mary. The workshops are run as either a full day (09.30am -5pm) or a half day (9.30am-1pm or 2pm-5.30pm) and for 2014 these include working with live actors. In 2014, future sessions may also be available with filmed theatre that is specially scripted and directed for our 'HR Art' workshops. Workshops are available in Central London and York. Whilst these are public workshops they can be run in-house - do contact us for more details. There are 12 delegate places on each workshop with a maximum of three delegates from any one company per workshop. |