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| Management PocketbooksPhilippa Webster and Ruth Sangale co-wrote 'The Induction Pocketbook' - one of the books in Management Pocketbooks management series. This pocketbook is a must for anybody who has been tasked with reviewing or implementing an on-boarding/induction programme. It takes the reader through all the necessary steps and scenarios to consider for delivering a successful on-boarding/induction programme. This gives: 'a pocketful of tips on introducing an induction programme at all levels, that increases motivation and productivity and creates a strong sense of belonging. As one critic commented: 'A delightful succint handbook packed with easily digestible and jargon-free advice and practical checklist, while reflecting the diverse nature of work and workforces, latest technology and long-term approach to employee engagement'. The book can be ordered as a hard copy or an e-book - licences are available. For more information and to order your copy visit the Management Pocketbook website or email: sales@pocketbook.co.uk |